Increase Revenue by 58%? Let’s Talk About the Potential of D2C Sales

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"Winemaking companies increased their orders by 84% from their global customers in the first four months of 2024."

By opening a direct channel with consumers, either online or from the point of sale, and allowing international sales, wineries have increased their D2C revenue by 58%. And this is just in the first quarter of 2024!

These are the statistics we gathered from our clients using the Direct from Italy software.

In fact, companies, in the first four months of 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, increased their global customer orders by 84%..
Considerando che sono mesi di minor afflusso turistico e più scarichi dal punto di vist, si tratta di un risultato importante.

This demonstrates that, despite the drop in sales through importers, the D2C channel is increasingly a tool that can deliver great satisfaction. Increase D2C wine revenue.

2023 Growth Statistics

According to data collected in 2023 by Direct from Italy, by allowing the sale and shipping directly to the customer’s home, the average order amounts to 14.8 bottles.

Meanwhile, the average receipt totals €278 per order.

When comparing these figures with those from direct cellar sales without the shipping service, we see that the number of bottles and the average receipt doubles.

This shows that tourists are more inclined to purchase a larger quantity of wines when offered home shipping.
Senza contare la possibilità di gestire il riacquisto a distanza fuori stagione, anche tramite ordine telefonico o e-mail.

Main Markets for Wine Sales

As for the main markets in which our customers sell their wines by exploiting this channel, at the first place we find Germany, which despite its geographical proximity is confirmed as an important market for Italian wineries.

In second place are the United States, followed by Austria and Switzerland, tied for third.

These results are striking as the top three spots are held by countries located at or near Italy’s borders.

Often, as we know, tourists from these nations travel by car for their vacations in Italy and could easily bring their favorite wines home with them. Despite this, they prefer the convenience of having the wines they tasted shipped directly to their homes.

In conclusion, direct-to-consumer international sales represent a great opportunity for wineries to expand their horizons and reach new markets.

With the right mix of technology, strategy, and dedication, Italian winemaking companies can capitalize on this growing trend and thrive in an increasingly competitive global market.

Increase D2C wine revenue

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